Rahan. Episode Two. The Crazy Horde. A Puke (TM) Comic.

1 year ago

Rahan. Episode Two. The Crazy Horde. A Puke (TM) Comic.


Episode Two.

The Crazy Horde.

Page 1:

The gigantic wave rose up into the sky, and seemed immobilized for an instant above Rahan, then the mountain of water crumbled.
Ah! Rahan will escape you, as he escaped your sisters!

The ridiculous battle cry was drowned out by the crash of the waves.
The skiff tumbled, broke up and disappeared under the torrent of foam.

And Rahan, stunned, was carried away by these logs to which he had attached himself at the beginning of the storm.

Page 2:

Rahan doesn’t want to die!
Rahan wants to see the sun again!
Tangled under the raft, Rahan has only a few seconds to free himself.

His ivory knife severed the cords. The wreckage passing over him hid the day.
The great desert of water will not smother Rahan.

When he burst out into the open, still gasping, the storm was passing.
But the monsters that worried him so much, and that disappeared with the storm, were already reappearing here and there.

The fishermen of the clan of black men know how to face this.
Fish! But Rahan does not know, Rahan does not dare.

Struck by a splinter of bark, his cutlass had just been torn from his belt.
A brief yellow flash.
The weapon of ivory disappeared in to the depths.

Page 3:

Without his knife, Rahan would not last for long.
Rahan cannot survive without his knife.

The son of Crao remembers when he braved the darkness and then escaped from the lake hunters, after stealing their leader’s marvelous knife.

Those of the lake had said that the forest had been barren twice by the time Grahar had finished polishing the knife. If Rahan does not retrieve it, he will never find another like it.

He still hesitated.
Should he let himself be carried away to the land he could see in the distance?
Or brave the big black fish that prowled around the skiff?

The desire to recover the precious weapon won.
He buried his head in his arms, as he had seen the men of the river do.

Page 4:

Rahan may be crazy for acting like this.
The desert of water is perhaps endless, like the sky!
Rahan will get nowhere.

He had no time to be surprised by the aquatic landscape that he was discovering for the first time.
Oh, what can Rahan do without his knife?

The shark spirals around him, twisting around.
Rahan caught a glimpse of the sharp teeth, and an idea occurred to him.
Rahan also has teeth! Teeth and Claws!

Flattening himself against the shark, he felt his collar.
His fingers clenched on the sharpest of the claws, once torn from the giant mountain bear.
Rahan will cut you.

The claw lacerates the white belly.
If this wound was not enough to kill the monster, a stream of blood nevertheless gushed forth.

Page 5:

Attracting the other sharks who, a few seconds later, argue over the shredded flesh of their fellow.
They forget Rahan! Oh! The knife!

Rahan learned that day that the desert of water unlike the sky had an end.
And strange vegetation grew on its floor.

The sharks were still killing each other in the distance, when he hoisted himself on the wreckage.
Rahan is thirsty, very thirsty. He will find water on this land.

Stirring the waters, as the black men had taught him, he paddled towards the shore.
Why? Why? Why kill him Taar?

Because you must.
If he discovers our secret.
He, He, He will reveal it to all those who “walk end to end.”

Page 6:

Rahan heard the whistle of the arrow, and threw himself on the sand.
Where is the clumsy child who fires at Rahan?
The arrow had stopped twenty paces from him.

Angry cries broke out, and two men appeared.
Taar will kill you!

They walked upright but in the strangest of ways.
One step left, one step right.
They leaned on each other and sometimes staggered to the point of falling.

Rahan did not come to your land as an enemy! Advance no further!
Taar will crush you!
They looked Robust, and Rahan was apprehensive about hand to hand melee.

The colossi lurked forward at the same time.
But did not reach their goal.
One of the two men ploughed his way into the beach.

Page 7:

Rahan, with a single push, sent the one named Taar to join him.
Ha-ha-ha! The enemies of Rahan have legs as hollow as reeds!

His knife in hand, he waited for the counter attack.
Stand up limp-legged men! Stand up! Rahan is ready for combat!

But they remained there, paralyzed by stupor.
Slumped over on each other, his two adversaries had fallen asleep!
Rahan did not strike them, and they are knocked out!
But maybe it's a trick that Rahan doesn't know yet?

It was not a ruse, because the two men did not react when Rahan tied them up.
As soon as Rahan finds food, he will build a new raft.

And set out again on the great desert of water.
Under the palms of nearby trees hung clusters of strange hairy fruits.

Page 8:

A moment later, Rahan was racing.
These fruits are as hard as the rocks of Mont Bleu.
Clock! Clock!

Disgusted, furious he threw some of the giant nuts on the ground.
His anger was such that his knife escaped him. Ah!

He quickly descended from the tree, and remained still.
What amazed him was not that the fruit had burst on a flat stone, Oh!

But that his knife was stuck in the sand, up to the hilt!
How is it possible that the knife sticks itself?

Never before had Rahan used his weapon other than firmly held in his hand.
It fell from above. It spun several times and, and, it planted itself.

Page 9:

Amused by the discovery, he repeats the experience.
As luck would have it, the knife, thrown in the air, planted itself once again.

If the knife sticks in the sand, it can also stick in the flesh!
Can Rahan kill game without approaching it?

Forgetting his captives, Rahan practiced on a palm tree. Skillful, intuitive, he quickly understood that it was necessary to project the weapon in a certain way.

Rah! Zloc!
Dependent upon the distance, he gives it a certain rotation so that at the end of its course the point arrives first on the target.

He had just thrown his knife again, when the horde burst from the thickets.
He killed our brothers!
Kill! Kill! Let us avenge Taar!

Page 10:

Rahan had no time to jump towards his knife, so far from him.
Disarmed, he was overwhelmed by the pack.
Kill! Kill!

Hands held him down. Others brandished formidable spears.
Stop! Save the man who came from the water!

Taar and his companion had straightened up.
And curiously enough, they were no longer swaying.
Taar was at his mercy and he could have killed me.
But he did not do it! He deserves to live!

The horde released Rahan, who went to recover his knife and cut the bonds of Taar.
Rahan came as a brother. Why did you shoot an arrow at him?
What arrow?

The bewildered Taar seemed sincere as he crouched to examine the arrow.
Rahan looked on, unsure what to think.
Oh I understand! Taar drank too much at the red source!
He who drinks too much from it no longer knows what he is doing.

Page 11:

The red source?
Come! Taar will lead you to the marvelous source.
The leader of the horde was already leading Rahan in the forest.

A little later.
This hill was covered with trees. The fruits were so numerous that it appeared as red as blood!

But an avalanche has ravaged everything.
For days the rocks felled the trees, and crushed the fruits that were more numerous than the leaves in the forest.

And the blood of the fruits flowed in rivulets down the mountain.
This pond, long since dried up, has been filled with this marvelous beverage that you see!

Drink Rahan! Do like them! You'll feel stronger, bolder!
Rahan listened, confused.
The clan gather near the reddish pool, like a thirsty heard around a water hole.

Page 12:

Rahan was thirsty. He drank a sip, then a second, a third.
This drink burns your mouth and throat! Rahan doesn't like fruit blood!

Taar and his men drank greedily, they laughed and shouted for no reason.
Rahan understands why Taar had hollow legs and why he shot his arrow so poorly.

Cursed is the drink that clouds the sight.
Rahan had taken a few sips, and although the sun was shining brilliantly.
The horde appeared to him, as through the mist that sometimes floats over the swamps.

Stop! Drink no more! Fruit blood makes you weaker than a child! Stop! Stop!
But the men were not listening to his exhortations, and drank and drank.

Some quarreled stupidly, others gesticulated like monkeys.
Others staggered before collapsing on the ground.
Don’t drink anymore Taar!

Page 13:

Taar is the chief!
Taar does not take orders from the man who came from the water!
Brutally pushing Rahan aside, Taar plunged his face back into the thick red liquid.

Rahan thought to himself that, if an enemy were lying in wait, these fools would be defeated without even a chance to defend themselves.
Rahan felt only a slight uneasiness.

But in prudence, he hoisted himself into the fork of a tree.
The blood of the fruits makes you sleep.
Rahan will never drink it again.

He was about to fall asleep, when cries resounded near the red pond.
A woman.

A woman was indeed running from one man to another in despair.
Wake up! Wake Up Taar! An animal is in the camp!

Page 14:

He ransacks our huts! He will kill our children! Your Children!
The men groaned and grunted, but none regain consciousness.

The woman recoiled in fear when she saw Rahan.
Useless woman! The blood of the fruits has got the better of their senses!
What do you want from me? Who, who, are you?

What does it matter, woman! Take me to your camp!
Let us not stay and stare at each other, I want to help you!
What will you do alone against the animal?

A moment later cries of terror interspersed with terrifying rumblings reached Rahan.
We are here! May the great hut have withstood the animal.

Look! It has already broken into the huts!
I managed to escape while the other women and children took refuge in Taar's hut!

Page 15:

A huge tiger clawed furiously at the log wall.
He had already broken into the most fragile huts.
Grr! Vrang!

If the big hut collapses, the animal will massacre the children.
Rahan knew what carnage would ensue from an unrestrained tiger of this size.

He knew that only one thing could calm the enraged monster.
The death he threw.

The wall suddenly collapsed. Rahan could see the terrified faces within.
Rahan knew that if he could not divert the fury of the beast onto himself, the children would be lost.

Abandoning their now vulnerable refuge, the women and children fled into the forest.
Do not stay together! Spread out!

Page 16:

The giant beast bounded behind the refugees, and Rahan bounded behind it.
A child suddenly stumbled, and a woman, without doubt his mother, threw herself on him to protect him.

Gr! Ra!
Ra! Rahan roared as he jumped onto the back of the tiger.

A cloud of dust enveloped the struggling man and monster.
Never has Rahan confronted an animal as great as you!
But you will not kill Rahan!

Rahan grabbed one of the gigantic canines and twisted the terrifying mouth away from his chest!
The other hand was striking randomly.

But a claw suddenly tore his weapon arm. Under the blow, the weapon flew twenty paces.

Page 17:

The women watched the combat anxiously from a distance.
Who is this man Maraha?
I do not know. He was with the others near the red pond.
But alas, ours were senseless as usual.

Rahan had just freed himself and the giant tiger gazed with a certain amazement at this prey that had resisted him so fiercely.

A wounded animal never gives up the fight. If Rahan does not strike him in the heart, Rahan will die.
The two adversaries ready themselves at the same time.
The man to seize the arrow he had just seen, the beast to leap.

The fragile arrow breaks in the chest of the monster.
The new injury increases its fury tenfold.

He made a fantastic leap while disengaging, turned around in an instant and renewed the attack.

Page 18:

Hitting a root, Rahan fell on his back near a copse. His raging cry turned into a clamor.

Within reach of his hand, His knife hung suspended on a branch of the copse!

He saw the tiger relax.
The terrible claws and teeth.
The white underbelly where lay the beating heart.
He threw the knife.

The ivory blade disappeared into the coat.
The handle turned as red as the blood of the fruits.
And the monster rolled over at the feet of Rahan.
Struck down.

Come back! Come back! You have nothing more to fear from the animal.
Rahan as slain the beast with knife teeth!
The faces of the women relaxed.

Page 19:

They released their children, who ran towards Rahan, assailing him with their joy.
Rahan is strong and cunning!
Only Taar could have done what Rahan has done.

The leader of the horde appeared, followed by a few of his men.
But Taar did not! Taar slept while his loved ones were in danger!

He approached with an uncertain step.
Without Rahan, the animal would have slaughtered your son, Taar!
Rahan was right, the blood of the fruit is cursed.

Taar thanks the man who came from the water.
Rahan is welcome for as long as he wants.
If he wishes, he can be of this clan!

But the son of Crao could not stay long on this island.
Were there not other unknown lands that were waiting for him?
Why leave Rahan? Because Rahan wishes to taste everything, to know everything!

Page 20:

He had learned of the sea floor of the desert of water.
And of the wood skinned fruit he had never seen.

He had discovered that you could throw your knife like this!
But above all, he learned that those who walk upright must beware of the blood of the fruit!
Taar also learned this!

When Rahan left the island some time later, the sound of an avalanche reached him.
Taar and his hunters blocked up the source of the red liquid.

Their voices are clear and their legs are strong!
The horde can depend upon them again.
Rahan answered the salutes of the clan until the land disappeared into the distance.

He let himself be carried away by the currents, towards the distant horizon.
Rahan contemplated that there are other worlds, other men with unknown customs, and other mysteries.
Rahan will discover them!
Thus thought Rahan, the son of fierce ages.
Hundreds of thousands of years ago, at the dawn of man.

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