Foolish Wives - 1925 - Silent Classic - Full Movie - Personally directed by Erich von Stroheim

1 year ago

Foolish Wives, the million dolar picture with a reptilian count, supposed Russian princesses with blonde wigs and police records, artificial French Rivieara with Californian millionaires as extras, know-it-all American diplomat with wife twenty years younger, marshes, grotesque rustic den, roulette wheels, fancy uniforms, scores of limbless war veterans, a counterfeiter devoted to his adult daughter with a child's intellect, a voyeuristic maid with her life savings, modern fire brigade, authentic caviar, fake ox blood, a certain manhole in the slum, and a woman ("free, White, twenty-one") fond of the evidently absorbing Erich von Stroheim novel Foolish Wives.

Personally directed by Erich von Stroheim.

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