Live Chat IndusTokens - Review 2023.3.23-24 part 2 (total 2 parts)

1 year ago

Live Chat IndusTokens
- Review 2023.3.23-24 part 2
(recorded on 3.26)
- Back to the future

opening:Blue Suede Shoes

closing:Beauty and Beast


Open the Bible
- Amorites


Back To The Future (more)
1.Juan 2023.3.23 Dr. Mari Crouley

2.Batman Begins ( ("I AM BATMAN")
3."Save The Clock Tower" 1985


News Unlocks Map
-US:Tornado in Mississippi /Rolling Fork /Silver City /Amory/Winona
( (,_Mississippi) (,_Mississippi)

-Japan:Astellas Pharma


Health tips
- Banana- Tyrosine


Reminder: Lobstr Basics Check
1. Save account info
2. Start with Magnificent7
- 1st Max Out SGB, then ERRES
( (
3. Silver Mines (
/ Copper Mines
4. Whip big list
5. A list for beginners (
- short list - Gold (
- short list - Silver


Token Basics
- Vietnam Dong (VDC)

Tokens and Current Events
1.Vanguard plans to exit joint venture with Ant group


2.Tesla Giga factory in Mexico


3.SpaceX, Netflix, Boeing to join "biggest-ever" US business mission to Vietnam

Short Meditation: Breathing for Balance

Enjoy the Journey!

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