JOHN(47) LENNON(74) = 121 + DECEMBER(55) EIGHTH(57) = 112.. = 233(John Fitzgerald Kennedy) 🗣

3 years ago

JOHN(47) LENNON(74 Gematria/ Jesus) = 121 + DECEMBER(55 JFK Jr) EIGHTH(57 Tesla) = 112(Bushnell’s/ Victory).. = 233(John Fitzgerald Kennedy🗣/ The Ten Days Of Darkness/ Gold Backed Digital Currency/ Follow The White Rabbit 🐇)

THE(33 Magic/ Don) DAKOTA(52 Heart/ Earth/ Ship) = 85(Storm/ Awakening/ Silver/ Matrix/ BlackOut/ M(13) + 72)

#johnlennon #manhattan #tomnumbers #psychclub #gematria

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