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1 year ago

I am Fannie, with The Fake News Team

And here are trending Headlines for adults.

Trending Headlines for 3/27/2023

Now you are being graded with social credit scores and ESG,
if you don't qualify, you do not buy food, you do not buy my stuff, you will own nothing, we kill you, peasant, we rich, and we want you to suffer, while we groin hammer little children on Epstein Island, with all the Holly wood movie stars. We call it green new deal up butt end style. Catholic priests Love it. They orgasm and say oh Jesus oh god.

Flatt feet, and fat ass couch potatoes, are joining the Military, and Klinger is your CRT instructor, he/she will slap you with a dildo, with lube on it. so shape up, and drop the soap soldier.

The USA has been stealing 80% of Syrian daily oil production since 2011. They also steal Syrian wheat. While the people there starve to death.

Google paid out 342 Million Dollars to at least 40 Us States and Google is above the Law and is more powerful than
Washington Dc The cooked politicians are in bed with Google, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and many more. but not TIK TOK they gotta shut that one down.

Washington’s chronic disinterest in conflict exit strategies doesn’t bode well for Ukraine, The US has started or inserted itself into multiple wars in recent years none of which ended in peace and stability

Support for Ukraine waning – EU member president
Slovakia’s Zuzana Caputova says military aid for Kyiv is not unlimited and warns of weakening public resolve

Israeli embassies close ‘until further notice
Diplomats have joined the general strike over Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial reform proposals

German tanks arrive in Ukraine – Spiegel
Ukrainian soldiers were given a crash course on operating the Leopard 2 tanks before 18 of them were handed over

Six killed in latest US school shooting
A female suspect has been fatally shot by police in Nashville, Tennessee, after murdering three children and three adults

Another US chemical train derails A Canadian Pacific Railway freight train derailed in North Dakota on Sunday, spilling hazardous liquid asphalt.

Is Karine Jean-Pierre The Worst White House Press Secretary Ever? All Signs Point To Yes. Diversity works ask Martin Luther King.

Lyndsey Grahm is an LBGTQ+Map Pronoun Lady-G and he wants world War diversity hires just don't work. He hires prostitutes male and female.

Democrats and Republicans are both Warmongers if we don't stop them who will?

Things Joe Biden has done for the LGBTQ+MAPS. community during his first year in office. Caused Monkey pocks, Diversity hiring, and Sucked Micael Obama's groin. Project Veritas proved he had sex with children in his own family.

Biden's Plan for a Digital Dollar is a Massive Threat to Freedom

BRICkS Expansion: Five New Members in 2023
Following Russia's announcement of Iran's & Argentina's BRICS membership bids, the alliance president reveals that Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, a NATO member, have the same plans

Netanyahu suspends judicial reform
The move comes after months-long protests across Israel.

Joe Biden: Headed for Impeachment. He is a Nazi and a racist.

Could Donald Trump Get Saved by a Pardon? who cares?

Hunter Biden’s Legal Nightmare Is Now Far Worse, Doubtful.

Joe Biden’s Presidency is Fading Away. Joe Biden's brain has faded away Teleprompter king, he will say what someone else wants him to say

The Collapse of Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC Has Begun. Duhh they suck, and are all funded by big Pharma, War Mongers, they sew Hate,
and have all the exact same talking points the ones programmed to watch them are the idiots of the world I call them (NPC)
They are non-player characters. The sheep not with wool they are fools.

Opinions- from, The Fake News Team
#1 Rule, do not trust anyone in Washington Dc, they think they are Gods. The Truth is they are blind, Chaotic, fools. And Genocidal Maniacs, They are so fucking weak that they war through the proxy, they have terrorists on their payroll and have joined with the Neo nazis
Change my mind NPC welcome Debate someone who has an IQ and EQ more advanced than any other tell me to change my mind train me to be Gay train me CRT train me to be a warmonger teach me to be a dumb asshole just like you.

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