The SEL Cycle

1 year ago

New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 39

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is a dangerous scam being forced into our education system at every level and in every possible way. How are they doing it, though? Among the techniques they're using to ram SEL deeper and deeper into school districts against all sense and without real evidence is what might be called the "SEL Cycle." What happens in this fraudulent circular approach is that SEL is used as a justification to gather survey data from students in their schools. That survey data is then massaged and interpreted through equity, inclusion, and sustainability lenses to identify shortcomings in what's happening in the schools according to those ideological interpretations. Those "shortcomings" are then leveraged to demand more SEL, more DEI training, and more Woke Marxism. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay breaks down the way this fraudulent scam operates so that we can put a stop to it.

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