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BCP: The spiritual root of the ego and the life journey of man
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Man does not only have the material side, which he receives through his father and mother. Man is essentially a spiritual being. God created man by using matter – the dust of the ground – and breathed His spirit into him. Man became a living soul, i.e. a mental, thinking being, unlike animals (comp. Gen 1-3).
Original sin, a spiritual poison, entered the soul of man through the violation of God’s commandment. Man became guilty of disobeying God, the Supreme Being. At the same time, he opened himself to another spiritual being, the devil.
The essence of the genetic code of evil in the human soul is turning away from God and deifying oneself. This egocentrism is in its final stage an identification with the spirit of lies and evil, that is, the devil. The devil’s seed is an intrinsic part of the human ego. It is so-called original sin, or the spiritual root, or the deposit of evil in our soul. From the ego proceeds all the evil that has ever been and will ever be present in humanity. The source of evil in man is a deep mystery; it transcends time and does not cease to exist with the death of either the individual or humanity. The so-called superego, or the human spirit, is intimately connected to the soul. It is kept as if in the prison of the soul (psyche), which is infected with the spiritual poison of original sin and with a self-destructive programme. This poison darkens the mind and makes it unable to recognize the truth, especially the spiritual truth. The will is inclined to evil.
The deposit of evil in the soul, i.e. original sin, is programmed for gradual spiritual suicide. By contrast, the God-given goal for every person is eternal life in perfect happiness. The human spirit longs for God, the source of truth and eternal love. Little by little, the genetic code of evil suppresses conscience, i.e. God’s voice in the soul. Covertly, through lies and self-deception, it pursues its goal – emancipation or separation from God. Egocentrism results in eternal death, that is, separation from the Source of truth and happiness. This state of separation of the human spirit from God is the essence of the eternal suffering we call hell. The devil is an evil spirit, a liar and a murderer (Jn 8:44), an enemy of the human race. Original sin, the source of evil in us, manifests itself in egocentrism. It is the unwillingness or rather the inability to admit the truth. When a person is shown a mistake or an evil he has caused, he feels offended, takes revenge, becomes angry or even furious. He knows how to cover up his guilt with some good, at least an apparent one, or he throws the blame on someone else, even on God. The truth humbles and convicts man, therefore he hates the truth. But the truth sets us free from the bondage of lies and various addictions. And confessing the truth is also a condition for the forgiveness of sins. That is why everyone must start the path of truth from himself. We can call this process a change of thinking or, in other words, biblical metanoia. The thinking of the old self is self-centred; it does not seek the truth, even if this truth leads to eternal happiness.
The new way of thinking is based on God’s truth – on the Gospel (Mk 1:15), which connects us vertically with God. God’s truth applies in particular to our existence, our purpose in life and the meaning of our life. It is concentrated in our redemption and deliverance, that is, in the person of our Saviour. Instead of egocentrism, we accept Theocentrism and Christocentrism. God, our Father and Creator, becomes the centre of our life and we accept the salvation given by Him and the love that is in His Son, Jesus Christ. In Hebrew, the name Yehoshua means that God is my Saviour. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, received this name when He came in the fullness of the time to take upon Himself our human nature. He has given us the programme of life, which is His Gospel. After completing His work of salvation, dying on the cross in disgrace, He gave us His Spirit. Through baptism we received God’s life. We became God’s children (Jn 1). Through baptism we were mysteriously immersed in the moment of Christ’s death in time, and through baptism we were also made partakers of His new life, the life of the risen Christ. We will experience this fullness of resurrection only beyond time, that is, after our physical death, at the end of history at the Second Coming of Christ. Then our material body will not only be revived, but also transformed into the image of Christ’s resurrected body. Through the intervention of God’s omnipotence during Christ’s resurrection, physical laws were subordinated to higher, spiritual laws. The risen Jesus passed through the stone tomb as well as through the closed door when He appeared to the apostles after His resurrection. He also appeared to a crowd of over 500 people in Galilee.
We are brought into the realm of faith. There is a natural faith by which we believe, for example, that the Earth is round, that polar bears live in the Arctic, etc., that is, we believe the testimony of people. But there is another degree of faith with which we accept spiritual realities. We unite with them with our spirit or soul. This faith opens our spirit as well as our mind and will to the spiritual world. But here we have to distinguish what kind of spirit we open ourselves to. There is also the realm of the occult, that is, the realm of spiritual beings today often referred to as energies. They are actually fallen angels, demons. These spirits of lies influence man’s thinking with seemingly true inspirations. If one does not love the truth and is not rooted in it, one can hardly recognize the lie hidden behind these suggestive inspirations. Moreover, the deposit of evil in man resonates with these false inspirations and utterly unites with them. These inspirations ultimately lead to rebellion against God and His laws. A person always justifies false inspirations with some pseudo-good, pseudo-truth or pseudo-righteousness. But Jesus says: “A tree is known by its fruit.” The connection of the human ego with demonic inspiration brings evil and death, not only temporary but also eternal. Paganism as well as present-day stale or apostate Christianity is the religion of the old self. It worships the Pachamama demon and other demons and promotes LGBTQ perversion. All this leads to destruction.
Paganism worships various deities, to which it gives the form of animals, birds or beasts. For example, in Buddhism, a meditating person becomes one in spirit with a beast and, as a result, becomes imbued with the spirit of cruelty and cynicism. In essence, this false spiritual path is the worship of the proud ego and complete rejection of the path of truth and the path of salvation. This false path is denoted by the term “do”, for example aiki-do, bu-do, taekwon-do. But this is not the path of truth or liberation from the root of evil within us. It is a big deceit and a lie. The spirit of paganism with its so-called spiritual energies does not work to the full if the martial art is taken only as a mere sport. But there is a danger that the one who is involved in this sport desires maximum success. Here he is advised that he must meditate because that is what top martial arts masters do. Only then will the spirit that works in pagan Buddhism work in power through him. The same is true of pagan Hinduism and the practice of yoga. Hatha yoga is presented as ordinary gymnastics. Those who want to go further must continue with breathing exercises, followed by meditation, up to the so-called royal yoga, where the meditator is totally possessed with the demon of lies. The meditator says: “I am a god.” This path of so-called self-redemption, combined with the teaching of reincarnation, is a great deception and a trap for many Christians as well. Yoga has been intensively promoted in the Christian West since the 1960s. A Buddhism boom started soon after through promotional literature and movies that popularized martial arts and opened the door to the invasion of Buddhist spirituality.
An atmosphere was created as if Buddhism brought a higher, prestigious spirituality. The safe way of salvation, given to us in Christ through His redemptive death on the cross, began to be regarded as something inferior. This tragic deception used human pride and the human ego as a foundation, which is why it spread so easily in the midst of stale Christianity. In fact, it opened the door to the spiritual world, that is, to spiritual beings, demons. Jesus cast out demons by His word of truth and by the Spirit of God. He also gave this power to the apostles and to every Christian so that they could overcome these demons. However, the condition is that a Christian should be rooted in Christ and His Gospel and be a true disciple of Christ.
Paganism has many branches. In its essence, it is opening oneself up to a demonic government and worshipping demons and Satan. Occult pseudo culture influences especially young people today. It is no longer atheism that is part of a good image, but rather paganism and occultism. We can use a popularized book Harry Potter as an example. Almost all movies and books for children and even academic books are promoting magic and occultism. Halloween, satanist holiday, which was accompanied by human sacrifice, is imposed on children in pre-schools. Pagan Aztecs offered up to 20 thousand human sacrifices to their so-called deities, ergo demons, every year.
While still alive, the chest of a young man was cut open and his heart was sacrificed to demons. It was only Christianity that put this to an end. Nevertheless, shamans have been offering sacrifices to Pachamama idol to this day, for example during house construction. A lama cub is placed into foundations of small houses, or a human sacrifice is offered and placed in foundations of large buildings. They usually take a homeless person, or a tourist, drug him with opioids or narcotics and then they bury him alive in foundations. Similar satanic rituals are performed not only in South America, but also in Tibet.
In the fifth book of Moses, so more than 1000 years before the Common Era, the Lord through Moses warns against specific forms of divination, magic and spiritism (comp. Dt 18:9ff).
There is a lot of talk today about esotericism, parapsychology, about so-called reiki energy, Silva method, ying-yang, feng-shui, bonsai trees, about Chinese acupuncture and other practices of Chinese Buddhism. Martyrs preferred to suffer cruel torture and death, rather than worship pagan deities, because they knew that the first commandment of the Decalogue clearly states: “I am the Lord your God, the only God, you shall have no other (pagan) gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of animals, birds, reptiles or human beings; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.”
When the devil tempted Jesus in the desert, Jesus told him: “Depart from me, Satan, for it is written: You are to worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.” The pagan system is a service to and worship of false gods – demons and Satan himself.
Certainly, it is perfectly clear to everyone today that the way, or a programme of the governing elites, which promote paganism, immorality, and depopulation, is a way of anti-christ. The pseudo Pope Francis walks that way too and calls it a synodal way. No comment is needed on his consecration to demons during the pagan ritual performed by a shaman. He committed a public apostasy, for which he brought upon himself anathema – excommunication – namely exclusion from the Church of Christ.
Redeeming faith is rooted in the truth revealed by God. “Whoever believes (in Christ) and is baptized will be saved.” (Mk 16:16) This is the foundation. But it must be followed by a way, which is Jesus Christ. He who endures on this way till the end will be saved. (Mt 24:13) A person needs especially a daily prayer routine when walking this way. Ideally, one tenth of the time of day. Those who will give God 2.5 hours every day will become free from the addiction to the spirit of the world and deception, which is active in mainstream media and social networks. In this way they will prefer vertical communication to a horizontal one or, in other words, they will prefer redeeming truth to deception, half-truths, and vanity.
As for prayer, it brings us to the cross of Christ. Here we confess our sins and receive forgiveness through faith in Christ’s blood shed for the forgiveness of sins.
Redeeming faith is manifested primarily in interior prayer and in a personal relationship with the Saviour. It unites us to Him. We unite our sufferings and our crosses with Him, that is, we experience co-crucifixion with Christ.
Our goal after this short life is eternal life. There is only one true way leading there, and that is Jesus Christ. He is the Way and the Truth, but also the Life – eternal life (Jn 14:6).
+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate
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