Daniel and Revelation .Saturday 25th March,2023. 6am Brother. E. Rainney

1 year ago

Daniel 8
Daniel looked towards God. Eve looked towards a creature. Which wine do we accept? Rev 17:4. Patriarch and prophets Chapter 54, Samson.
Apostasy existed. We are to be praying for the church amongst apostasy.
We see that Samson mother had responsibilty towards her unborn child in what she ate and drank. and our roles as mothers.
Apostasy= mixing truth with error.
Wine= doctrines
when we drink fermented wine our vision becomes blurred.
Cravings of the pregnant mother must be controlled.
We as mothers are responsible to bring up the child in God.
Parents are thus responsible for the childs temperance and self control.
Blessing children from men donot help the sin issues.
Daniel 7,8 Modern Babylon
Prophets and Kings chapter 44 In 1844 the warning was rejected.
2 classes (unbelievers and believers) Jesus came to the Jordon River.
Story of redemption Chpter 24. Jesus went before the ark and parted water.
We are to drink of the cup of truth
The Ram in Daniel is Christ .Daniel 8:3. Jesus by the river Jordon.
The 2 horns = the 2 great principles (love GOD and love man)
Jesus fulfilled the 2 great principals.
1 horn bigger (love of GOD) Gen:22:13, John 3:16
He goat in 1st 5 books Lev:16:5 Day of atonement
When we use men's reasoning and not God's interpretation in the bible we are in apostasy. We mix truth with error.
Matt.22:34 (2 principles)
Daniel 8.5-7 the notable horn.
God wants love to govern and not sin. Sin destroys love. we need to eradicate sin in our lives. COL chapter 29.

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