Kellie-Jay Keen (Posie Parker) on The Liminalist Pt 2: A Woman Among Trans

1 year ago

First aired July 25, 2018. Original link:

Second of two-part conversation, on open organized child abuse, collective gaslighting, body dysphoria, children’s transition assembly, Educate & Celebrate, the point of doublethink, trans-criminality, desistance, the murder of debate, no platforming, leaving the left, sympathy for the right, left-right cycles & the pendulum effect, the history of an ideology, the Fabian Society, Havelock Ellis & sex research, incremental change, the Weimar Republic syndrome, the death of psychology, changing views on homosexuality, identity politics succession drama, the eradication of boundaries, the gateway to transhumanism, Martine Rothblatt, the privatization of morality, people as islands, the problem of ease, runaway narcissist culture, perfecting an image, Gender Quake, a woman among trans, the ineffable ego, the desire not to be human, the “beman,” Jordan Peterson, short-term happiness, avoiding suffering, totalitarian liberalism, compelled speech, cognitive dissonance, trans snake oil, Theodore Dalrymple on unhappiness vs depression, social infantilization, no transitions to peerage, one rule for the lower class, protecting the money, Alison Moyet, J.K Rowling and the perils of tweeting, intuitive risk aversion.

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