What is dry fasting - why is it better than water fasting

1 year ago

Why do animals refuse food and water when they are extremely ill? How is it that a hibernating animal doesn't get sick, but instead grows healthier the longer it hibernates? Why do sick people often feel an urge not to eat and sometimes have to force themselves to drink? Why do most ancient religions revere fasting? Have we, collectively as a society, become so captivated by food and comfort, that we’ve inadvertently hidden these truths, under the mask of safety and security?

Dry fasting means no food and no water. Yes, you heard that correctly. Some argue that this is the only true form of fasting. To dry fasting absolutists, water fasting is technically not true fasting. In fact, it’s important to understand that to hardcore fasters, there are only two forms of fasting: wet and dry. Wet fasting refers to water fasting in its most basic sense—consuming only water. And it must be high-quality water. No, you can’t have a slice of lemon

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The Dry Fasting Club does not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.

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