Better than QandA: The High Performance Life

1 year ago

On Mondays at 9:35pm you can tune into the ABC and watch their attempt at having an open discussion or at 7:30pm you can watch something better.

Better than QandA is a new format live panel show that appeals to those who want to think deeply about the world today.

Tonight's show is brought to you by the 20 brave souls in the room who helped seed what we hope becomes a monthly event. Tonight's topic, 'The High Performance Life', leads us to explore the ideas of success, happiness, identity, consistency, achievement and purpose.


From 2:34 we play a game a Street Epistemology

From 26:00 we started the QandA panel:
'How do we determine success?'
'How do I find magic in the mundane?'
'How do I figure out what I should be doing for a job when I've spent my whole life doing jobs I've hated?'
'How do you consistently perform at an elite level?'
'How do you stay focused?'
'Is it really, and still, a man's world? Does the trope persist long after genders have been equalised?'
'How do we fight the war on meat, on health and push back against BigFood and BigPharma?'
'Why is veganism and plant-based being co-opted by BigFood?'
'How much does diet contribute to a high performance life?'
'What is one characteristic every leader should possess?'
'What is the role of a strong and functioning family unit in society?'
'What is better - intrinsic or extrinsic motivation?'
'How do you transform abstract ideas into quantifiable outcomes?'

2:03:08 - promotion for our next on Fri 31 Mar 2023


Join our next live Better than QandA with Prof Peter Boghossian and comedian Corey White:

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