What and when is the Abomination that Makes Desolation? | 20853 | 2n1 Ministries

1 year ago

We're continuing through our End Times studies, we're teaching on the appearance of the beast (one world leader) who helps secure the building of the 3rd temple for Israel. According to Daniel 12:11, the one referred to as "the man of fierce countenance" will enter the temple and defile it (making it desolate). Israel will then realize this leader is a liar and is against them when he proclaims that he is God. Listen in to hear the prophesies of Daniel, Revelation, Isaiah and Jesus in today's exciting study.
Thanks for tuning in and be sure to subscribe, share and reach your loved ones with God's hope of salvation through Jesus. Also, be sure to ponder in your hearts this season of the observance of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection to take away the sins of all who repent and believe in him.
(“Jesus gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.” I Timothy 2:6 - KJV)
Todd & Heather Frederick - teachers
@ 2n1 Ministries
"End of the Harvest" (free movie) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVQuaaUfhDE

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