We FINALLY GOT ONE! We Scored a Nintendo NES-Themed 3DS

1 year ago

There are some things I just love, and one of those is the original Nintendo Entertainment System. While back in the day I wanted one of the Nintendo 3DS Systems with the NES Themes, I never pulled the trigger. With the 3DS eShop shutting down, I figured that we might start seeing some more and more of these variants showing up for sale. When I was cruising around Facebook marketplace, I found one, in good shape, and I decided to take a shot.

The listing was for $240 for the system, the OEM power supply, and a copy of Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call. I had no interest in Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call, so I decided to make an offer for just the system at a lower price. I went back and forth for a few days with the seller, and in fact initially walked away as it was more than I was wanting to pay. Then, 2 days after no contact, I reached back out with another offer, a little more than what the original was, but not quite where they counteroffered. Then it happened..


That right, I scored the system for much less than they were asking, but a little bit more than I offered initially. I swung by the ATM, got the cash, and picked up the new system. So, how is it?

First and foremost, the sellers were totally cool. I didn't get a "I know what I got, no low-balls" from the, but they knew they had something special. The photos were decent, however, there was significant wear and tear that didn't pop in the listing photos. I'm not thrilled with this, but it could have been worse.

I can hear the comments already. "But you already have a NEW 3DS, why would you want an NES 3DS? It's the inferior model!"

I'll tell you, the right "analog" on the New 3DS, pretty much useless to me. I've literally never used it. Also, I just wanted this variant, and have for a few years. And now, well, its mine.

I have the system starting to get setup, and I will buy a few things on it before the eSHop goes dark. This is a great variant and I am thrilled I have it in the collection now.

#VideoGameHunting #Nintendo #NES3DS #3DSVariants #FacebookMarketPlace #3DS

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