Free, Gracious & Eternal Love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for Sinners From All Nations (#3)

1 year ago

"Free, Gracious, and Eternal Love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for Sinners From All Nations" is part 3 of the three part series on God's purpose to bless and redeem a vast multitude from all the nations and peoples of the earth.

The saving blessing God intended for the sons of men, for people from all nations, was not only Jehovah’s purpose from the creation, through all of past history, at this time, and in future dispensations. His love and blessing actually started far earlier than this, even from everlasting ages before the creation. God’s personal Wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:24), the eternal Son, said:

22 The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old. 23 I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was. ... 30 Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him; 31 Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men. (Proverbs 8:22-31)

The Triune God is the God of joy: “The joy of thy lord” (Matthew 25:21, 23). (The redeemed get to enter into His joy, an amazing truth.) God delights infinitely in Himself, and in being the “blessed God,” He is the “happy” God. Every time the word “happy” appears in the NT it is the same form of word as “blessed” (makarios) in 1 Timothy 1:11. Note the “happy” in John 13:17; Acts 26:2; Romans 14:22; James 5:11; 1 Peter 3:14; 4:14.

God is the most happy Being of all, so being with Him forever is also the way to make men happy. In heaven His happiness will “rub off” on everyone He is with! He is perfectly happy, and all who are with Him forever are happy to the highest level possible for them! Furthermore, the Father, Son and Spirit have mutual delight in one another. The text in Proverbs 8 focuses upon here relates to the Father and the Son, but the truths are true of the Spirit also.

See that Jehovah, the Father, Son, and Spirit, was self-sufficient from eternity. God was not lonely. He did not make us because He needed someone to talk to. He had the perfect and all sufficient delight and joy in Himself and perfect fellowship among His three Persons. He would have been perfectly happy in Himself and His fellowship without ever making anyone.

When you are born again, you enter into this love and joy, the infinite joy of the Father, Son, and Spirit among themselves!

Why would you not want to draw close to and serve this blessed, happy God? Do you think that God wants you to be sad? He wants you to be the most happy you can possibly be forever! Now at times in this life sometimes He will give you hard things that cause sadness because He knows it will make you more happy forever. But keep in mind the perfect love that the Father and the Son have, and that heaven is a world of love and joy, where the saved, and the angels, and the Father, the Son and the Spirit, all live in perfect love and joy together.

You should give your heart to this God of love and joy.

He made the world, and redeemed His people, out of the overflowing of that love that He has within Himself; His love overflowing, like a spring from which an overflowing river comes, overflowed and out of the love the Father had to the Son in the Spirit the Father made the world and gave His Son a people as a gift. His Son received this gift from the Father’s love and determined to come into the world and die for them to redeem them. The Spirit, out of love to the Father and the Son, determined to show them the Son and draw them to Him, regenerate them, sanctify them, and glorify them. Thus, through the working of the Spirit upon us we receive the grace of the Son and come to the Father.

Surely for all eternity past the Son was rejoicing always before the Father in the infinite beauty and perfection of the Father, as the Father was rejoicing in the infinite Divine glory seen in the Son. The word “delight” in 8:30 is a “plural of intensification or amplification.” It is translated with the plural, “delights,” in 8:31. Now surely the delight that the Father, Son, and Spirit had in one another from all eternity was measurelessly great, and it was so “daily,” day after day, and so “always,” at all times, as we have already noted. This is exactly what is expected. Yet notice in 8:31 what was the cause of the endless, intense, amplified delight of the Father and the Son even before creation. “My delights were with the sons of men”! The Father, Son, and Spirit, were filled with intense delight and joy thinking about the millions and millions from every tongue and nation whom they would save by the death of Christ!

This delight in the sons of men was on the Son of God’s heart when He appeared to and walked with believers in the Old Testament. This delight was seen in His triumphant resurrection and ascension, when He will see what He suffered to redeem us, and will be satisfied (Isaiah 53:11)—He will look at His infinite suffering of the cross, and say "IT WAS WORTH IT!"

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