WWE 2K22 Clash of Champions: Cody Rhodes and Sasha Banks VS Dakota Kai and Damian Priest Match [4K]

1 year ago

Welcome to Out of Ink Ribbons Game Channel Modder Name Zygos
My channel is centered around RE2, RE3, RE8 and SFV mods and walkthroughs and showcases of other games.

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Featuring Cody Rhodes cosplaying Chris Redfield and Sasha Banks cosplaying Sheva Alomar from Resident Evil 5 video game face off against Dakota Kai and Damian Priest in a WWE Clash of Champions event match.

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#WWE #ajlee #bayley #nxt #nxt2 #sashabanks #embermoon #walkthrough #wrestling #femalewrestler #summerslam #pcmods #wwe2k22 #doudrop #rhearipley #reckoning #nwo #hulkhogan #ericbishcoff #kevinnash #sting #xiali #biancabelair #naomi #tripleh #charlotteflair #tegannox #miayim #nikkiash #lexluger #konnan #shotzi #beckylynch #bikini #riho #nikkicross #smackdown #wcw #aew #miayim #peytonroyce #mandyrose #otis #danabrooke #walter #laceyevans #bige #shayabaszler #codyrhodes #tamina #natalia

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