The Evil New World Order, Great Reset & Orchestrated Financial Collapse Are Well Under Way

1 year ago

The New World Order and the Great Reset are the same thing. It's about creating an entirely new world system with all of the money going digital and all the nations being hijacked by the central banks. The plan is to rob the entire world and declare complete ownership of the planet. Satan will sit on his fake throne in Jerusalem where he will mock and insult the Creator (God) very soon. It's all coming together with what's happening globally. The pandemic was the first domino to initiate the new system.

Satan wants to own everything. The entire new digital system is the most vile, despicable system of evil ever in the history of creation. It is mystery Babylon that manifests its global world power in the last days. Read Daniel 12:1. Michael the archangel will be showing up soon. Fasten your seat belt. The vast majority of churches are asleep at the wheel. The banking crash that started is the second domino after the pandemic to usher in the New World Order. This will lead to a global banking crisis never seen before.

The time to get right with God and give your life to Jesus Christ (Yahshua the Messiah) is right now. Anyone who thinks this isn't accurate doesn't study their Bible and follow all the events unfolding in the world.

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Crossing Jordan Ministries is under the inspirational leadership of Jesus Christ. The significant spiritual name of this ministry comes from Joshua leading the Israelites across the Jordan River in a miraculous way to get to the promised land.

(See Joshua Chapter 3 and 4 entire chapters).

The Bible account says that as soon as the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant touched the water that the river split in two and dried up allowing the Israelites to cross like the parting of the Red Sea with Moses.

John the Baptist spent his entire ministry preparing the hearts of the people to be ready to meet the Messiah. The thing he is most noted for is the national baptism he was conducting in Jordan to get people to repent and get ready to meet Jesus. John’s entire ministry was situated around the Jordan River near the spot where the Israelites first crossed.

“In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias (Isaiah), saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness,

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