Secret way to make Life time Passive Income Making AI Video _ Youtube Automation

1 year ago

The video will start with an introduction to the concept of automation and the benefits it can provide for YouTube creators. Then, it will introduce ChatGPT and PictoryAI as two AI tools that can help automate various tasks related to YouTube content creation and promotion. The video will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use these tools, including how to use ChatGPT for content creation, and how to use PictoryAI for video analysis and promotion.

Throughout the video, the benefits of using these tools will be highlighted, such as the ability to save time, increase video engagement and views, and improve overall channel performance. The video will also cover potential use cases for the tools, such as using ChatGPT for creating video titles and descriptions, and using PictoryAI for analyzing video engagement and optimizing promotion strategies.

By the end of the video, viewers should have a clear understanding of how to use AI tools to automate their YouTube channels and increase their chances of success. The video will conclude with a call to action to try out ChatGPT and PictoryAI for themselves and see the benefits of automation firsthand.

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