Can Western Women Help You Succeed? Filipinas Greatly Increase Your Chances.

1 year ago

What motivates you to succeed?
Successful people always find #motivation to keep going no matter what’s happening around them or within them. That’s one of their differences from everyone else. Successful people have the drive to move forward. They channel their time, effort and energy towards their life goals.
So, what’s stopping other people from staying motivated? What’s making them struggle to find that #motivation? As it turns out, our enemy is ourselves. We can be the only person standing in our way to succeed.
Each of us is unique. We have our motivations to do things to achieve our goals. But regardless, all goals require an effort. That’s why we need to get ourselves into that action so that we can direct our efforts toward them. For that, we need motivation.
So, what motivates you?
Again, we’re unique individuals. We have our motivations that can be different from other people, from our friends and our family members.
What is it that you think will make you feel accomplished? Is it respect? Is it fame? How about money...lots of it? Is it build a long term loving and prosperous family? Or simply raising accomplished and hapy children?
What can a good woman do to push her man to embrace new opportunities? She can express enthusiasm about an opportunity, reassure him, and discuss the benefits of taking on a new role or challenge.
She can help you thrive by embracing life opportunities. Or shhe can hinder your ability to thrive by making it less likely that you’ll pursue opportunities for growth.
As an average or even above average man, can you achieve these things in the west? If yes, how will you do it with a #westernwoman as your life's partner?

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