"Why Angels Remain Peaceful: Understanding Why They Don't Throw Stones"

1 year ago

In situations where humans are killing other humans, it is natural to wonder why angels do not intervene and prevent such violence. However, it is important to understand that angels are not tasked with policing human behavior or preventing human conflicts. Instead, their role is to serve Allah and carry out specific duties assigned to them.

Furthermore, Islam teaches that human beings have been given free will and are responsible for their own actions. Angels, on the other hand, do not possess free will and are unable to act independently. They are created to obey Allah's commands and carry out their assigned tasks without deviation.

Additionally, the concept of angels throwing stones is often associated with specific religious rituals and historical events in Islam, such as the stoning of the devil during the annual Hajj pilgrimage. It is not a general practice of angels to throw stones at humans in everyday life.

Overall, the idea that angels should intervene in human conflicts or punish wrongdoers is not a part of Islamic belief. Rather, it is up to human beings to work towards creating a peaceful and just society through their own actions and choices.

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