Why Andrew Tate, GSP & Khabib do Intermittent Fasting & How to Get Blood Sugar Level to Normal Range

1 year ago

When the doctor tells you you have diabetes and all of a sudden you're at risk for heart disease and amputation, it's time to take matters into your own hands and cure this thing. Some people will say "oh eat everything in moderation" - they also mean eat any time, in moderation..... but doing this will only kill you faster. If you want to beat Diabetes for good, you have to burn the fat, engage in fasting and eat a low carbohydrate diet like the "ketogenic diet." Sometimes scientists like Jason Fung and Dr Huberman refer to fasting as "time-restricted eating". I did my best to keep the length of the video low and I couldn't cover some topics like getting into a ketogenic state but hopefully I will in another video!
#fasting #ramadan #weightloss #andrewtate #khabib #jasonfung #hubermanlab

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