"A Reflection on Life" - Read by Rod Glenn #ASMR #MotivationSpeech - Music by Jeremy Korpas

1 year ago

Voice Over by @roddglenn aka Rod Glenn. Written by John H Shelton.

Life Through the Lens... The Eyes of A Creative! ~ John H Shelton. 👀📷

"It is the year, 2023. So, How did we get here?"

“There will always be forces beyond your control.”

"A HUGE chunk and gap of LIFE changed from something so pure. One minute it’s here, one minute, it's there and then it’s gone!"

"Everyday is a fresh start… some choose to repeat. Some choose defeat. Others choose to go on. Be brave. Be humble. Stay strong in your beliefs and goals."

"Sometimes, there comes a turning point in LIFE where the lift to the top seems to stop!"

"Keep on reaching, ride the wave of turbulence and anxiety driven fuel of uncertainty. And, make new paths to sail-through and doors to kick in (gently) and enjoy the ride!"

“When darkness comes, the delicate tribunals swing from Left to Right and may seem never-ending. It’s then the TIME to become the LIGHT in the Night!”

“Within each Person, Man, Woman & Child is a Spark of Hope, to see another Day!”

Words are Copyrighted, John H Shelton/MrSheltonTV.

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