International Notice and Proclamation Regarding Federal Employees By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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International Notice and Proclamation Regarding Federal Employees Friday, September 17, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

It is against the Public Law of this country to presume the existence of any kind or form of war on American soil.
It is furthermore against the Public Law of this country to advance any form of commercial claim or claim of patent rights against people being mischaracterized as trans-humans, human Genetically Modified Organisms, corporations, public utilities, special purpose vehicles or any other self-serving and purposeful mischaracterization scheme in any way adversely impacting living men and women.
Attempts to redefine and re-label the nature of living men and women at any time during their life cycles for any purpose of self-interest at all is illegal, unlawful, and immoral. These activities are not tolerated by the American Government and any Federal Employee, Military or Civilian, who promotes, advocates, implements, or assists any such program will be fired, not eligible for rehire.
Any attempt by SERCO, INC. or other PERSONS to continue funding these employees will be deemed a breach of Fiduciary Trust and subject to a recoupment already established by jury trial in the amount of eight hundred times the amount advanced.

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