i knew that this rant was not gonna be short

1 year ago

restaurant worker...standup comic...failure
suicide OR open mics
i'm sure other artists can really relate
i just take these keys n i bang on em
different versions of funny
if you don't understand the art form, don't care about your opinion
trying not to swear...we always mess that one up
as long as we swear less...
this ain't about my priest, it's more about doin the opposite
talking about sex ain't transgressive
more glitter on meh face
sex ain't all it's cracked up to be
most people want sex and romance, not us
i don't wanna feel good, fuck that
art is sex to yours truly
coming is just a biological thing
i love the fuck outta ronnit, she is my bff
and old jewey woman from nyc *originally tel aviv
ronnit is the opposite of a pandering comic
she ended up getting laid cos she met some young dude at twin kegs 2 in the audience so i guess that method works for her
she'll tell her personal business hahaha
*in case you're wondering wtf is that annoying sound...that's the sound of diy babies (we don't have a proper place to put the camcorder so we just rest it on the dashboard and it usually flies off...this will happen later in this video just be patient)
it's not my place to tell anyone how to live their life
she really scores w/ younger men
she always references the Holy Land whenever she does standup so she will definitely get a kick outta that one
and here go you another rant on the state
as long as shrinks still have a job and the apple store is up n running DECRIMINALIZE ALL DRUGS IMMEDIATELY
i used to work at wendys, see featured channel: aimless (started in 2017)
a prescription that will cause you to have an even harder time
yes we really do "smoke"
most will not go to page 10 of google
no patience, time, or understanding about the world to use the internet right in this sad, sorry society
back in what day amy, the more i think about this the more i think that it was always bad (there is nothing new under the sun)
people tend to go along with whatever the culture is pushing
psychiatry is a form of technology
drug busts are such a waste of tax payer $ GO FIGHT REAL CRIME
porn, hello...
soooo many ways to get high
politics is nothing more than a divisive tactic to keep people docile about the ones (rome) controlling everything
things have always been political and censorship has always existed
the internet has brought a lot of these things to our attention
go online and say the nword on repeat...bawlsy
*i warned you about the diy camcorder method
a rebel badass totally dependent on their iphone
liberals go along w/ "progress" so the phone addiction and psych meds prescription makes a lotta sense
totally serious when i talk about gettin the suicide rate up...think about it, feel like shit and then change your behavior OR just kill yourself already
"movement" (goes nowhere but in circles)
the negative nancy "joke" that people ran into the ground
fuck snl, they hate talent
everyone knows that snl sucks a big fat one
their "rebuttal" to censorship is offensive due to the gross lack of creativity
actual in person crowd work vs the internet
the internet has definitely changed the way people view themselves and "reality"
okay, embarrassing admission: AI art is FUCKING AMAZING *doesn't surprise me at all
technology is a major catalyst to the universal nihilism
back in the day, nothing was on camera
getting on the phone is a compulsion
ronnit was guilty of this hahahaha
i am satisfied w/ just one person *quality over quantity
LISTEN...it's getting serious now
AI prostitutes are gonna bite people's dicks off, can't wait for that
the human race is down for the count and the AI is gonna triumph
not in the blame game business (we'd be a multi-stream rotary sprinkler)
the man in my head calls me a hypocrite
one of the few women in the world that can take criticism
yet another time where ag says "it's so depressing"
luddites were right and this one wants to break every machine that exists

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