Colfax AoG March19 - Love Speaks (Ken Geer)

1 year ago

Introduced a new sermon series on learning how God speaks to us. "Love Speaks" Also wrapping up “Core Values of Revival” THe Core values of a sustaining revival community include: ‌
* Find God (Jesus first in all things)‌
* Depend on Miracles (infinite resources)‌
* Go To the Least (love your neighbor)‌
* Suffer for Him, if necessary ( our testimony on display)‌
* Rejoice in the Lord (our source of strength)‌
* Share Jesus the Messiah
‌These were values identified and applied by with the ministry of Iris Global Roland and Heidi Baker.
These values are activated in relationship with Jesus the Messiah. These values are Jesus! We must not confine our rules of engagement in ministry to the abstract

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