The Biden Administration thinks Child Sex Trafficking and Empowering Cartels are "American Values."

3 years ago

The Democrats believe that empowering the cartels to enslave women and children consists of AMERICAN VALUES... Alejandro Mayorkas thinks that allowing for more drug trafficking, child rape, child cages, and deaths, represent AMERICAN VALUES. He thinks allowing children to be kidnapped, raped and disposed as trash, is COMPASSIONATE and represents AMERICAN VALUES! These people are sick. If he really has those values, or if he really thinks that pedophilia represents our values, then that is twisted. The amount of people dead from all the drugs have increased dramatically also. He thinks that is also an American Value apparently. How does any MORAL person think what the Biden Administration is doing on the border represents American Values??? I am so angry! Hearing about all the raping, killing, drug trafficking, and now we will have scores of people living off of the American People during a pandemic, hurting even more people... HOW is that compassionate? What Biden is doing is EVIL... it goes AGAINST American Values, 100%! These people are the scum of the earth.

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