Gw2 Assitant App for android phones #gw2 @guildwars2

1 year ago

Guild wars 2 app made with love that lets you see data from the game on your phone or tablet :)

- You can see delivered gold and items from the trading post to your account, the items you bought and sold in history as well as the amount and total cost.

- You can see black lion collection costs for every collection in the game.

- The Dailies , both current and tomorrows for pvp, wvw, pve, and fractals ^^

- The legendaries in the game all that exist and those that you have unlocked

- Bank inventory - see all your items, see prices for tradable items both seller and buyer offers.

- Bank material storage - see all stored items , see buyer and seller offers for all your tradable items.

- Raids - Can track your weekly raid clears progress, and dungeon clear progress.

- You can check novelties and home nodes to see what you have and what is missing.

- Characters - you can see all your characters, when they were created, what crafting professions do they have their inventories with all the items in them.

- For Guild Leaders you can see the guild log showing every action that has happened in your guild since the start, see guild members and their stats if they are linked on the site, the guild stash items , the guild storage items.

- You can search for raid openers with a simple click of a button - data is pulled from - for both EU and NA

- Check individual player kp's with name or code

- And Other

If you like the app give it a like on the store and a comment, i welcome back feedback on how to improve the app

Check it out on playstore -

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