Three Relaxing Games

1 year ago

Gameplay of three games that are beautiful and relaxing. Some of them are demos and pre-alpha versions of the games.

Mindscapes-Arbor Dale:

Arbor Dale is a honey-tinted place of falling leaves, roaming bears, and a weirdly linear forest. It's odd because of the frequently occurring rows of trees that suggest this to be a man-made grove, but if that's the case, where are the people? Miles upon miles you stroll amongst golden rays of light streaming through the tops of oak trees, and there's not an end in sight.

Underwater Diving:

You are an underwater diver surrounded by aggressive fish and mines.
Collect the black corals to clean the idols.
Once all the idols have been cleaned, the exit will be free. But be careful, leaving a level is a one-way trip. So you have to be careful not to leave anything interesting behind either.
Explorers will be rewarded!
Collect energy bushes, which in addition to filling your energy gauge will increase its maximum. But above all find the precious red corals, the only way to increase the level of the diver and therefore all its characteristics.
If during the first levels you can and must both dodge and flee confrontations. You will have to become stronger to face the dangers and the immensity of the last levels. Labyrinthine levels that put your sense of direction to the test.
USP: The diver's energy represents both his life and his stamina, but also his oxygen.
The game is at the PRE-ALPHA 03 stage.

Trail Magic:

You're on a camping trip! A scientist named Shawn comes over to your campfire and you talk for several hours. The next morning, you stop by Shawn's campsite to say hi. There’s no sign of Shawn though, only a note that tells you to call his boss. Ms. Cantrell has just received an email saying that Shawn has been kidnapped! He was working on a secret project so Ms. Cantrell wants to keep it quiet. She thinks she can get together the ransom within the one hour deadline, but you fear for Shawn's safety. Should you wait for Ms. Cantrell to call back with an update? Should you call the police against her wishes? Should you investigate the campsite on your own?

Trail Magic is a “pick your path” mystery with multiple endings. Make dialogue choices and click on visual elements to change the story.

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