Fairs, Orphans, and The Old World | with Mat T from the Great Deception Podcast: Episode 043

1 year ago

Greetings and good day, Conspiracy Players. If you've ever wondered about the inconsistencies plentiful in the historical narrative or ever felt that there's something awry about our recent past, then this episode is for you. Mat T from The Great Deception Podcast joins us to talk about the world's fairs (also known as the great expositions). After bouncing some thoughts about a few current events off of each other, Mat and Colby dive into the old world and it's architecture, the widespread notion of Tartaria, orphan trains, incubator babies, and...what kind of CPT interview would it be if Laurel Canyon and the wonderful world of Disney didn't find their way into the conversation? Sit back and let your mind be transported to a simpler time (or was it?). Thank you as always for tuning in; and if you enjoy, don't hesitate to like/subscribe/comment and share with your loved and loathed. And to check out the world of Mat T, click on his links below:



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