Episode 61: Genocide and the Times of Israel

1 year ago

First aired on 25 March 2023

"Palestinian children are the explosives of the future?" This is the headline of a Times of Israel article this year. Is this to be understood as an incitement to genocidal violence against Palestinian children?

The website claims to be viewed 35 million times a month, so considering that wide level of influence, it is necessary to delve into the infrastructure behind the propaganda.

The Times of Israel was founded in 2012 by former Israeli soldier David Horovitz and billionaire Seth Klarman.

David Horovitz is a recipient of the B’nai B’rith World Center Lifetime Achievement Award. In congratulating Horovitz on his award, former Israeli prime minister and, at the time, economic minister Naftali Bennett described Horovitz’s journalism as "holy" and claimed that if offered a "real opportunity to the State of Israel."

B’nai Brith is a key part of the World Zionist Organization, formally part of the World Zionist Congress, and states that one of its "core objectives" is to "support the state of Israel." The lobby group even has a Bureau of International Affairs, which "engages with the British Foreign Office and foreign embassies on behalf of Israel."

B’nai Brith is so deeply entrenched in the worldwide Israel lobby machinations that it even shares office space with The Israel Project in Washington, DC.

Seth Klarman is the Baupost Group's CEO, a Boston hedge fund. It is a large shareholder in eBay, Google, Facebook, the arms-tech company ViaSat, and Intel Corp., which has numerous contracts with the US military and Lockheed Martin. Baupost is also a major shareholder in Liberty Global, which owns Virgin Media.

Through his Klarman Family Foundation, the billionaire owner of the Times of Israel, Seth Klarman, has funded many key Israel lobby groups.

The ADL, the Reut Institute, and the Institute for National Security Studies, headed by Amos Yadlin, the former head of Israeli military intelligence, have all received funds from Klarman.

The Middle East Forum, headed by a former Israeli Ministry of Defense employee, Greg Roman, has also received Klarman funds. Another group he funded is the Center for Security Policy, which gave Donald Trump the idea for the Muslim ban, which sought to prohibit the entrance of people from Muslim nations into the United States.

In addition to funding the Republican Party in the US, Klarman also funds the building of illegal Jewish-only colonies in the Israeli-occupied West Bank of Palestine through the Central Fund of Israel. He has also pumped money into the settlers of Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah through the Friends of Ir David organization.

It is clear that the Times of Israel is an arm of Israel lurching into the public sphere. For how long will it be free to call for genocidal violence against the children of Palestine?

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