Things We Don't Always Want To Show as Homesteaders

1 year ago

This was supposed to be a video on Peeper Training with ChiChi...
Then our goat Midnight tried to kill ChiChi.
Honestly I wish I'd had the camera on. He really went at her and tried to put his horns through her intestines. Had I had my gun on me at that moment, I would have shot him immediately.
He and ChChi did not get off to a good start when we got the goats. She was terrified of him (rightfully so) and defendend herself by biting his face when he went at her, he head butted her across the deck and that was it.
ChiChi would run him off when he tried to come in the house and she'd keep him off the back deck as she was trained to do.
He has almost been successful at killing her a few times, which is why the goats are no longer allowed come into the main back yard. Also why there is a double layer of fencing.
He has no issues with Romeo or any other dogs that visit our home. Just ChiChi.
ChiChi raises my Peepers, so she must have full access to the Peeper Yard and Peeper Hut.
These goats must get a new forever home.
This can not be it.
After over a year of her showing nothing but submission around Midnight he will not let it go. Noggin has no such issues.

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