1 year ago

In this episode, Dr. Ardis interviews Silk of Diamond & Silk. We have all been saddened by the passing of Silk's sister, Diamond, but her spirit definitely lives on. In fact, Silk believes God is guiding Diamond in the spiritual realm to continue to help Silk and all their followers in this fight to save humanity. Diamond & Silk have brought a great deal of education and awareness to the issues impacting this country and all of humanity. Dr. Ardis is beyond thankful for them and wanted his audiences to be blessed with getting to know them. He asks Silk some very interesting questions and dives into what life was like for these beautiful sisters. This discussion includes how Diamond & Silk started, their spiritual journey, how Donald Trump has impacted them and the black community, the corrupt system and more. Diamond & Silk rose above the hate, trusted God and became an even brighter light in the darkness. This is a MUST WATCH episode with amazing love between Dr. Ardis and Silk! As Diamond said, "It takes a team to build a dream!"

Watch Diamond & Silk Chit Chat Live weeknights at 10pm EST on https://frankspeech.com/search?search=chit+chat+with+diamond+and+silk.

Follow them on their website, https://www.diamondandsilkinc.com/.

Support them at their store at, https://www.diamondandsilkinc.com/store/.

Check out their book, "Uprising" at, https://www.diamondandsilkinc.com/store/signed-autograph-copy-of-diamond-and-silks-book-uprising.

Please support The Dr. Ardis Show, subscribe for updated information, supplements and protocols at, https://thedrardisshow.com/.

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