Eyes On The Stars Weekly Vibes March 26th 2023

1 year ago

- Uranus Conjunct Venus both in the sign of Taurus-
- A Grand Trine in Water
- Saturn in Pisces
- Mars in Cancer
- South Node in Scorpio
- Chiron, Jupiter, and Mercury conjunct in Aries.

Which can represent a time of powerful new beginnings and the potential for great personal growth. Aries energy is adventurous and bold, and when combined with the influence of Jupiter and Chiron, this can bring about a sense of optimism, confidence, and passion.

- Jupiter is known as the planet of expansion and growth, and when it is conjunct with Chiron, the wounded healer, there is the potential for deep spiritual and emotional healing. This combination may also bring about a sense of hopefulness and positivity when dealing with difficult situations. Healing to hear the truth without the pain of the wound memories.

- Mercury's influence can add to this energy by bringing about clear communication and decisive action, which can help to move things forward in a positive direction.
This is a time to take risks, embrace change, and trust your abilities.
It is essential to approach this transit with a balance of confidence and caution, as the energy of Aries can sometimes lead to impulsiveness and hasty decisions.

However, with the guidance of Jupiter and the healing potential of Chiron, Healing our minds and healing our Hearts. Allowing pain to dissolve and subside once and for all.
Healing allows us to hear what is being said without the filter of our wound.

- Uranus conjuncts Venus in the sign of Taurus. Uranus is the planet of revolution, innovation, and sudden changes, while Venus (ruler of Taurus) represents love, beauty, and financial harmony.
You may experience sudden opportunities for love, creativity, or financial gain that you never expected before.

When these two planets align, there is a strong potential for a shake-up in your relationships or finances.
This transit can bring excitement and unexpected arts, creativity, and aesthetics opportunities.

It's essential to be adaptable and flexible and take risks where appropriate.
It's a time to embrace change, explore new ideas, and break free from old patterns and limitations.

This energy asks us to connect with our (body-heart) Venus and our innate knowledge (higher mind consciousness). Uranian energy is pure electricity it brings forward surges of awareness/power/voltage.

- Uranus is associated with sudden changes, rebellion, innovation, and awakening. Its energy is often described as electric, unpredictable, and transformative. When Uranus is activated in a person's chart or the sky, it can surge energy, awareness, and power. This energy can manifest differently depending on the individual and the context.

- Taurus, ruled by Venus this sign is associated with the throat, neck, and voice, which is essential for Taurus as they allow this sign to express itself and connect with others. How we move our body and use our voice-throat, Taurus is known for its soothing voice, but it can also use its voice to assert itself and defend its values when necessary.
However, this transit may also bring shadow aspects that cause disruption or instability, jealousy, or envy, in your work or personal life, especially if you resist change, cling too tightly to the status quo, or try to block & hide your true feelings.
- The Grand Trine in Water is a harmonious aspect of astrology that connects three planets in water signs, creating a triangle in the chart.

Saturn in Pisces represents discipline, responsibility, emotions, creativity, and spirituality restrictions.

Mars in Cancer indicates strong emotions, actions, and motivations related to family, home, and the past.

South Node in Scorpio represents karmic patterns from the past, as well as transformation and regeneration.

Saturn's discipline and boundaries can help create structure and order in the emotional realm, while
Mars in Cancer can bring an action to family dynamics and past issues.
The South Node in Scorpio may indicate a release of old patterns or healing of past traumas related to family and emotional connections.

This aspect encourages emotional depth, psychic sensitivity, and spiritual growth. The best way to navigate this transit is to remain adaptable and open to the possibility of something new and exciting coming your way, knowing that things change when they are meant to.
Change is evolution.
To stay the same is to age in an empty way.
Being flexible and willing to try new things can open up opportunities for growth and happiness you never imagined.

Together, with a Grand Trine in Water suggesting a flowing and supportive energy between the planets guiding and aiding us to find within our psyche a new vision to build our structure with a greater understanding now of our past, seeing our roots has given us strength though now we must find greater courage to build upon that strength in new and innovative ways.

And so it is


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