No National Emergencies and No Emergency Powers, Either Saturday By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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No National Emergencies and No Emergency Powers, Either Saturday, September 11, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

As of the first of August 2021, the purported ongoing American Civil War left unresolved since 1865, has been settled by a Peace Treaty among the fifty populated States of the Union. It's over. No further presumption of war, no further presumption of emergency.
Our foreign Federal Subcontractors have no standing to object, and being stateless on our shores, have no separate nation here to represent.
There is no provision anywhere at any level of our Government allowing for the assumption of any special, extraordinary, or unstated power in the presence of any emergency, real or imagined.
The sight of the Board of Directors of a foreign, for-profit, privately owned and operated commercial corporation voting itself emergency powers allowing it to dictate to its Employers, is ludicrous.
No such emergency powers have ever been granted and may not be taken; our country was born out of the maelstrom of war and has good cause and sufficient experience to deal with its own exigencies if any such emergency or any purported thirty-one such emergencies existed.
Instead, we find a self-interested and out of control foreign chartered entity awarding itself powers and prizes at our expense, while owing us Good Faith and Service.
We find that the so-called Emergency Powers were invoked by our erstwhile Subcontractors via a process of Executive Orders made by their corporation Presidents acting in the Office of Commander in Chief, while in fact that Office was vacated under conditions of deceit and guile.
We further find that all such Executive Orders are usurpations upon our Public Offices and are tainted by the foregoing fraud.
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