Transformer: Movie '86 by HUSTIE & MrSheltonTV - Rap/Hip-Hop Song 🎵🎹 #Shorts

1 year ago

Lyrics by John H. Shelton (Devised & Performed by Hustie)
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Voice Samples taken from Transformers: The Movie (1986)


It was 1986 it was a Sunday afternoon
When my brother and I, we busy watching some Cartoons.
That Sunday, I was playing with Lego waiting to go
To see the Transformers film, with my dad and my bro
On the big screen cinema, where anything could happen.

My dad took us to see the film, December '86
Amazing film, but in the line some kids were acting like some pr*cks
They stood in line, taunting my excitement
But, my brother put them right
That didn't spoil my fun of watching giant robots fight

Then we went to see my Grandad, on a dark, cold night.
There was a film brochure, we took home
It was better than any of the Game of Thrones

Transformers, The Movie, was what it deserved to be
An action-packed, giant cartoon on the BIG screen
Leaving us all well and feeling very pleased.


Released December 16, 2021
Hustie & John H Shelton

All rights reserved

#TransformersRap #Hustie #Transformers #HipHop #RapSong

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