Episode 41 - Events, Part 2: Mass Shootings

1 year ago

History dictates that False Flag, PsyOp, then Live Exercise were implemented in this order. Logic suggests a PsyOp prepares a Live Exercise which is implemented as a False Flag. In 20th and 21st century America, some standout Events matter most, and guide fabricated violence for the sake of geo-economic and geopolitical gain.

An Event is a happening of graphic violence, either depicted or real, with the outcome to become mainstream and influential for economic (and media) or political (and legal) gain. Since we begin with Projects & Operations, let's start with a Psychological Operation (PO). A PsyOp is a planned Event (usually by a government agency) with the intention of influencing a particular group's psyche, or their mental reconstruction of reality and/or perception (see Overton window as an example). A Live Exercise (LE) is a practiced and staged Event by the agency (i.e. economic or political). A False Flag (FF) is the implemented Live Exercise with real life expectations of injury or death.

Americanhardmind & Synchronicity discuss the idea, the practice and the Event for the following:

Events As Mass Shootings
Springfield, OR, 1998, (Kip Kinkle - Thurston high school - 4); PO/FF
Columbine, CO, 1999 (Dylan Klebold & Eric Harris - high school - 15); PO/LE?/FF
Cullen, Dave. Columbine. Hatchet Book Group: New York, NY. 2009.
Blacksburg, VA , 2007 (Seung-Hui Cho - Virginia Tech - 33); PO/FF
Aurora, CO, 2012 (James Holmes - Century 16 theater - 12); PO/LE/FF
Newtown, CT, 2012 (Adam Lanza - Sandy Hook elementary school - 28); PO/LE
Dear Wolfgang: Revisiting Sandy Hook - https://www.bitchute.com/video/aP1sQ50cBo82/
Xaos Therapy, Episode 2 - Sandy Hook https://www.bitchute.com/video/zpOIglHACYdt/
Orlando, FL, 2016 (Omar Mateen - Pulse dance club - 49); PO/FF
Las Vegas, NV, 2017 (Stephen Paddock - Jason Aldean concert - 61); PO/LE
Vegas Shooting - Exposed: https://www.https://www.bitchute.com/video/SMPEQgMgxyNN/
Parkland, FL, 2018 (Nikolas Cruz - Stoneman Douglas high school - 17); PO/FF
El Paso, TX, 2019 (Patrick Crusius - Walmart - 23); PO/LE
Religious shootings - Baptist, Jewish, Christian, Islam; Pittsburgh, Poway, Baerum, Halle; PO/FF
Brooklyn, NY, 2022 (Frank James - NYC subway - 10 shot); PO/LE
Buffalo, NY, 2022 (Payton Gendron - Tops grocery store - 10); PO/LE
Uvalde, TX, 2022 (Salvador Ramos - Robb elementary school - 22); PO/LE/FF?
Pete Arrendondo is on leave as Police Chief, and resigned from City Council.

Essential sources:
Evil children: www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQj1S0lcP64&feature=related

Mass shootings: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States

Pinker, Steven. The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why violence has declined. Penguin Group: New York, NY. 2011.

Wilson, Laura C (Editor). The Wiley Handbook of the Psychology of Mass Shootings. John Wiley & Sonds, Inc.: West Sussex, UK. 2017.

Allely, Clare S. The Psychology of Extreme Violence: A case study approach to serial homicide, mass shooting, school shooting and lone-actor terrorism. Routledge: New York, NY. 2020.

Peterson, J. & Densley J. The Violence Project: How to stop a mass shooting epidemic. Abrams Press: New York, NY. 2021.

This is what to expect in Episode 42:
Hardcore Guitar

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