Exo One | 4K 60FPS playthrough | No Commentary

1 year ago

Exo One is an exploration-based, sci-fi video game developed by Exbleative and published by Future Friends Games. In this game, players control an alien exoplanet exploration craft called the Exo One, which can transform into a sphere and glide through the atmosphere of various planets.

The gameplay is focused on exploration and discovering the mysteries of different worlds, with the player using the Exo One's unique abilities to navigate through environments and solve puzzles. The game features a minimalist art style and a haunting soundtrack, creating a sense of isolation and wonder as players explore strange and beautiful planets.

Exo One has been praised for its innovative gameplay mechanics, immersive atmosphere, and unique take on space exploration. The game has been described as a meditative and mesmerizing experience, and has won several awards for its design and execution.


I saw this game free on Gamepass and it shown me the how long to beat time of 2 hours. I looked at the pictures and thought, wow this game looks awesome. Short and sweet and positive reviews.
The game itself is about controlling a UFO and flying through different planets and space at super speed and whilst observing the amazing surroundings and getting subtle story hints throughout.
I was thinking something reminiscent of Journey, Flower, and Abzu, which I enjoyed, and yes, this game tries to be that way, with its beautiful environments and lack of objectives and feeling of freedom, but one with one slight hinderance – it’s as boring as sin!
So, what you do is roll a ball. This isn’t the UFO sim I expected. You have to build yourself up and earn the flying disc status but that is not a permanent state. You a rolling ball first and foremost.
There is a very interesting control scheme where you hold the right trigger to force gravity to roll you down a hill at super speed, then you let go when you are going up a hill and this will fling you into the air. You can then press the left trigger to change into the UFO shape and glide for a limited amount of time. That’s it. For the whole game.
I was bored shitless in the first level, thinking, when the hell is this going to end so I can start doing something different? But little did I know, this was the whole game. Rolling a ball forward trying to build momentum for height and speed. This game would have been fine if it was 15 minutes long, but 2-3 hours? Felt like eternity.
The later levels get even worse as instead of introducing power ups and extra moves, they introduce nerfs. On one level you lose the ability to turn your ball and even fly, so you‘re at the mercy of uneven hills to get you towards your goal. This mission way horrible as you could end up flying the wrong direction.
Another 2 levels are in the sea, which you can spend a lot of time in the darkness of the sea trying to shoot back up which forces your disc to spin in such an eye crushing way that I had to look away. The whole level was torture.
Then there was a level set in space where you have to travel from asteroid to asteroid. I got to one and spent about half an hour trying to get out of the asteroids orbit as its gravity kept me locked in. It was so infuriating as the hills were so uneven and it was not easy to build momentum as you might land on upwards hill while pressing the gravity button, which turns you around. This was the most infuriating section and made me think I should have completed this bloody game by now.
The second to last level had an ingenious idea. The devs thought, let’s add wind to REALLY infuriate the player.
The whole game is a battle with the controls and a battle with your sanity. I don’t know how anyone could enjoy this. Boring as sin. Infuriating controls. Nothing to do.
Maybe I am being a bit harsh as I was ill at the time and when I slept at night, I was having fever dreams of this, so even in my sleep I was suffering with boredom.
The only positives I can give are the graphics and the interesting idea for controls, but even the graphics are marred by a film grain effect, which I turned down to 0 in options and it was still visible. I would honestly prefer to play a bad 8-bit game.

Rating 2/10

Played on PC via Gamepass.
Recorded at 4K @ 60fps
No cheats used
Deaths cut out

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