That Jungle Drum & Bass beat

1 year ago

Back in the early 2000's, Jungle Drum and Bass was fast becoming the prolific drumming style. It was all over You Tube and many other media outlets .I truly enjoyed this new style, it had all the flavors of Jazz and Funk rolled into one, how tasty I said to myself .
I recall the magnificent drummers that had pioneered the new style drummers like:
JoJo Meyer, Benny Greb, Johnny Rabb.
Heck, ever Steve Smith was inventing his own way of expressing the style.
I wanted to know more and picked up Johnny Rabb's instructional Drum and Bass book, the book came with a CD of all the beats inside the book and I would listen to it on the train on my way to work .When I got home I would try the written beats that I had heard on the CD.
I did a fair job of learning this style and happy that I did so.
Not hearing much about this new style in the present moment aside from the drummers I mentioned above Jo Jo Meyer is the only one still performing this style and I believe he is the very best at it
All that hype and now I almost never hear much of it anymore .

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