Letters or Numbers? (Romans): Math riddles! Roman numerals

1 year ago

Have you ever stopped to think what it would be like if you had to write all the numbers using just letters? Well, believe it or not, the Romans did just that! The Roman numeral system was based on seven letters of the alphabet, each representing a number. But how did this work in practice? Simple! The letter "I" represented the number 1, the letter "V" represented the number 5, the letter "X" represented the number 10, the letter "L" represented the number 50, the letter "C" represented the number 100, the letter "D" represented the number 500 and the letter "M" represented the number 1,000. To write larger numbers, the Romans used a combination of these letters. For example, to write the number 87, they used the letter "L" (which represents the number 50) and the letters "X" and "V" (which represent the numbers 10 and 5, respectively), resulting in the combination "LXXXVII ". So, what do you think of this numbering system? Could you write the number 2022 using only letters? Let me know in the comments and let's find out together if we too would have been good at math in Roman times!

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