The 10 Commandments of Winning Teammate: Sean Glaze

1 year ago

Creating a high-performance culture is like solving a challenging puzzle. It's tricky, but exciting! To truly empower employees, companies invest in their development, equipping them with the right tools and skills to make meaningful decisions. This creates a sense of ownership and accountability that leads to higher engagement and productivity. So how do you cultivate a culture that inspires and empowers, driving innovation and growth?

I had the honor of interviewing Sean Glaze, founder of Great Results Teambuilding. He is keynote speaker and facilitator working with team leaders to build more positive and profitable workplace cultures with improved communication and accountability. He is also an author of several training programs and books including his best seller “Staying Coachable” and “Winning Teammates”.

Sean shared insights on the challenges and opportunities around team building to impact organization culture. He also outlined why it is important for business leaders to stay coachable to wanting to be better and being willing to change.

Here’s some of the topics discussed in this video:
• Teambuilding opportunities in post-pandemic and current economic challenges
• Impact of personal development and staying coachable for corporate performance
• Approach to leadership development during hybrid workplace environment
• .... many more...

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