Question Affirmation Rant #4 | Money & Wealth

1 year ago

Asking questions from a place of wonder and curiosity has the capacity to move the asker beyond their limitations and into a world of all possibilities.

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To Buy Marinna's Money Relationship Question Magic Card Deck:

How might I see and own my own value in such a way that money also sees and matches my value?
What gift is and can money be in my life?
What joy is available for me as I now longer fight with money?
What if money is waiting for me to show up for me so it can also show up for me?
If money is my mirror, what is it showing me that could shift in such a way that I am blessed even more fully by it?
What healthy relationship with money is possible for me right away?
How can money and I dance together in the most beautiful way?
What is money asking of me that if I chose, would greatly transform everything?
Who am I, and what is possible beyond my limiting money stories, beliefs, and mindsets?
How easy and simple could it be for me to receive life-changing amounts of money right away?
What will it take for me to be in alignment with a wealthy life?
What can I say “no” to that would allow for a more fulfilling relationship with money to occur?
What can I say “yes” to that would allow for a more fulfilling relationship with money to occur?
How might I honor and serve money’s divine purpose?
How might money’s divine purpose use me to support greater consciousness with money on planet earth?
What is the best question I can ask that will assist a greater movement forward in my relationship with money?
What have I never thought of that would change the way I see, play, and dance with money in the most pleasurable ways?
How might I live in such alignment with the truth of my being that I easily attract life-altering amounts of money into my life?
What if my dance with money was effortless and deeply fulfilling?
If money and my perception of myself are intertwined, how might I shift my perception so that money and I can have a healthy dynamic relationship?
How much can I appreciate the role money plays in my life, and how might that change everything?
What would happen if I appreciated money at least three times more than I complain about it?
What is the full truth about money and my relationship with it that could change the way I view it forever?
What if the truth of success was way more than just having lots of money?
What if the truth of money was way more than just having money?
What conscious awareness with money can I have that would create a dynamic relationship with wealth?
What frequency can I be that match for the most authentic and deepest fulfilling level of abundance?
How might I step into this frequency with ease and grace?
What inspired action can I take that would allow for the greatest and most aligned level of wealth and abundance in my life?
What could my being wealthy provide the world? Am I willing to allow this level of connection with the world?
What causes prosperity?

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