Should You Marry Outside of Your Race?

1 year ago

The truth, regardless of our learned biases, is that no one race is superior to all others. From the womb, we are all (save unfortunate genetic deformities) capable of the same levels of physical and intellectual excellence. However, the world often doesn't operate with that truth in mind. We are different, and therefore some of us are deemed inferior while others are considered more valuable. It is what it is. Understanding these things plays an important role in your consideration of not only the woman you want to marry, but also what kind of family you'd like to build. Another truth is that there is nothing wrong with marrying a woman of a different race; but satisfying such simple desires as becoming the mate of a person that you care deeply about isn't so simple when you consider the effect that your choices may have upon your offspring. The world is a cruel, unforgiving, and unfair place, and it's important for us to make the attempt to consider as many angles and outcomes as possible before making some of the biggest decisions of our lives. But don't operate out of fear. Knowledge is power, but sometimes that power can turn a hopeful and determined heart into a cowardly and fearful husk if allowed.

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