5 Techniques to Boost Your Departments Morale

1 year ago

5 Techniques to Boost Your Departments Morale

5 ways to boost moral at the office
1. Promote a Positive Work Environment if you notice a bias towards what is wrong, as a manager take the step to learn leadership, take a Dale Carnegie course, read Emmet Fox the 7 day mental diet, classic. I'll add a new series.
2. Encourage Open Communication an employee who is defensive might be a reflection on your style or something deeper for them; does your company utilize reviews? Hire a business coach for the company who uses assessment tools, like DISC or Strength finders.
3. Provide Opportunities for Employee Development people crave learning, whether they know it or not
4. Celebrate Team Accomplishments Liv golf
5. Show Appreciation for Employees' Efforts create a Friday to celebrate wins for the team and individuals. A short meeting each week and people will start looking forward to them.

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Sending so much love, 💘💘💘
Mary Ann Markowitz

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