The Medical Great Reset of 1910 | From Flexner to Fauci

1 year ago

The Great Medical Reset of 1910. From Flexner to Fauci. How the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations executed a heist to enable Big Pharma to control BOTH Universal and Private Healthcare via Public Health policy in America, Canada and around the world today.

The Flexner Report, approved by US Congress in 1910, deemed all Natural Medicine as unscientific, and made biochemical medicine science, thus causing over 80% of hospitals, health centres, universities and colleges (which did recognize natural medicine as science) to be shut down in the next 2 decades after its release.

The Flexner Report recommended the John Hopkins hospital as the gold standard; the same hospital which denies Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin today, yet approves unproven experimental vaccines as science.

This 5 min video discusses how the Rockefeller’s influence policy, not just with government; but Universities, the Centre for Disease Control CDC, National Institute of Health NIH, World Health Organization WHO, World Economic Forum WEF, United Nations UN and other globalist Big Pharma cartels today.

Produced, written and narrated by Georgina Hnatiuk. 2023.

No conflict of interest to declare.

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