5G, Electro-Pollution, Your Immune System & Biofield w/ Dr. Beverly Rubik

2 years ago

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Is there a link between 5G or other forms of electro-pollution, and your likelihood to get a bad outcome from the respiratory illness the entire world has been obsessed with in the last two years?

I’ve avoided this topic for personal & strategic reasons for 2 years. Until now. In this episode, cutting-edge scientist Dr. Beverly Rubik dives into this controversial topic.

***Featured products***
- Dr. Rubik’s main website https://www.brubik.com/
- See the two figures Dr. Rubik mentioned which come from her research on how EMFs impact the body’s biofield at https://theemfguy.com/066

Dr. Beverly Rubik has had a life-long interest in frontier areas of science and medicine that go beyond the mainstream, and she is internationally renowned for her pioneering research, especially on the human energy field and energy medicine. She earned her Ph.D. in biophysics at the University of California at Berkeley and has published over 90 scientific papers and 2 books. In 1996, Dr. Rubik founded the Institute for Frontier Science (IFS), a 501c3 nonprofit research laboratory, now in Emeryville, CA. Presently she is conducting research on the adverse health effects of wireless radiation on health, among other topics.

***Links mentioned can be found here:*** https://theemfguy.com/066

Affiliate Disclaimer: some of the links in our videos are affiliate links, which means that I, Nick Pineault, or our company N&G Média inc. might get financially compensated if you invest in the products or services I recommend. This practice helps me put food on the table as a 100% self-financed educator, and does not influence my editorial guidelines. Every product or service I endorse has been vetted among dozens, and has been through an extensive and painstaking research process.

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