EMF Harmonizers - Part 3: Time to Think Holistically w/ Pawel Wypychowski

3 years ago

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In the final part of this epic series on EMF harmonizers, I welcome back engineer and EMF mitigation Pawel Wypychowski. We widen the discussion: Where do EMF harmonizers fit on the holistic health spectrum?

And why are we always chasing magic bullet solutions? In this sobering exchange, you’ll love Pawel’s philosophical take on EMF mitigation, and where human health is heading towards.

Pawel graduated from Polytechnic University of Szczecin, Poland, in 1994, with a Master’s degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. The first decade of his professional work included co-creating and managing an IT system integration company, providing training and coaching to technology companies in Europe (HP, Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle, and others), and serving as CEO of a Norwegian investment group. He also lectured at the West Pomeranian Business School.

Pawel’s interest in health and vitality began with a debilitating illness, over a decade ago. Independently he studied bioelectronics, biophoton physics, phototherapy, as well as various alternative and integrative health approaches and corresponding diagnostic methods.

Today, Pawel’s own consulting practice combines bio-electromagnetic engineering, biophoton physics, and the regulatory processes of living organisms concerning EMF environment, including light. For the past nine years, he has consulted hundreds of clients with chronic degenerative illnesses, especially Lyme Disease, CFIDS, MS, as well as children with Autism and related conditions. In parallel with his consulting practice, Pawel runs the EMF3 - Shielding Solutions & Consulting company, which provides professional solutions in the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC/EMI), electromagnetic protection of classified information (TEMPEST), and health protection from the influence of artificial electromagnetic fields.

Pawel is one of the founders and former vice president of the non-profit foundation: Institute of Electromagnetic Studies, named after James Clark Maxwell, in Cracow, Poland. The Institute’s mission was to create and develop initiatives pertaining to the state of our environment and electromagnetic safety.

***Links mentioned can be found here:*** https://theemfguy.com/054

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