Title: Dr. Joel Wallach = Feeding your Liver - Daily with Doc 03-24-2023

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Dr. Joel Wallach discusses the Liver and where Rebecca thought it was the only organ that could regenerate and grow, Doc brought clarity with how the skin can heal, the white matter of the Brain can be replaced, the villi within the intestines can overcome damage. Where the Liver stores and filters, it’s a vital component in optimal function. A testimony was shared on a personal experience of a 65+ year old woman who had stage 4 cirrhosis and with following Dr. Wallach’s recommendations, no longer qualified for the transplant list or any further medical treatment. Dr. Wallach answered questions about bone on bone knee conditions, young boy experiencing seizures, Another praise report was shared by a son on significant health improvements of his parents in a short amount of time. And from Dr. Wallach as a DVM a question about canine pregnancy was asked.

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