Make the Most of Your Space by Waterproofing Your Basement! | '58 Foundations & Waterproofing

1 year ago
31 | 888-698-1958

If you are dealing with a wet basement in your residential or commercial property, you could be wasting money on a space you can't fully utilize. '58 Foundations & Waterproofing can help you make the most out of your property by waterproofing your basement, ensuring that every square foot is usable!

Discover the '58 Difference in this Tech Talk with '58 Foundations & Waterproofing President Todd Prosan.

0:00 Intro
0:26 Overview
0:47 Lateral Lines
1:32 The '58 Basement Waterproofing Process
2:17 Step 1 | Remove Floor to Expose Footing
2:51 Step 2 | Grade Trench for Channel '58 Drainage System
3:20 Can You "DIY" Basement Waterproofing?
3:53 Step 3 | Install the Channel '58 Drainage System
4:04 The Advantages of Channel '58
5:13 Step 4 | Install the Footer Shield and Vapor Barrier
5:45 Examining Purpose of Footer Shield and Vapor Barrier
7:21 Step 5 | Pour Concrete
7:30 Before & After Progress

’58 Foundations & Waterproofing has over 60 years of experience Waterproofing Basements and helping people optimize their homes and businesses. Give us a call today and let our experts provide you with a free inspection and a detailed estimate! Be sure to ask about our Money-Back Guarantee!

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