Mark of the Beast Coming 1 (30 min)

1 year ago

Starting with prayer to GOD, I tell about the serpent from Isaiah 14:29, "a fiery flying serpent" is the fruit from the root of the serpent. Let grace in our belief in Jesus give us more time. The Israelites are mixed in with people all over the world, so GOD will call HIS own from all nations. We can't trust our vote, to be counted as the Internet and their computers are messing with the results. If clones are made of people we trust, evil can take over, without us knowing. Jesus will be needed when justice and liberty is not being promoted and protected. "Give me liberty or give me death!" is my stand. We will see each other, past this life in heaven, so let us use our liberty to speak out for GOD. We came to the USA for freedom, "Home of the Brave and Free!". It's explained what is needed for Jesus to return. There's a time GOD will ask you to do, that you do not want to do. Our liberty and rights are being removed. Fast and withdraw from buying from those who are paying for evil to flourish all around us. When our choice is taken away there is no liberty. When justice is no more, Jesus is needed. Stop the violation of our first amendment rights. Our DNA is being messed with by evil, and the Mark of the Beast can be taken in a vaccine. So be careful not to accept these vaccinations as you do not know what is being put into your body, and this belongs to GOD.

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