Interview with Austin

1 year ago

This young man Austin was with Tracy's daughter Riley, who was medically kidnapped from Spokane Washington Junior High School by CPS and was placed into multiple foster homes who all collected money and then afterwards kicked Riley out where CPS finally dumped her in a shelter. That's where Riley met Austin, and then both teens were kicked out of the shelter; so they jumped aboard a greyhound bus to head to Kansas to see Tracy, Riley's mom.
What you are witnessing in this video is an authentic conversation between Austin and Mary, where she is asking some real questions about the real intentions of CPS, the agency that "medically kidnapped " Riley to begin with.
Mary proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the CPS agency had absolutely no intentions on helping Riley, in any real way, but were out for monies to be collected by the tax-payers of Washington State, just so long as they had "Custodial Control" over Riley. The whole idea of Custodian and Guardianship comes from the Vatican and their Cannon Laws, whichis what these judges use to steal children by way of Parens Patre & Locos Parentis Doctrines which are created by way of fraud, as there is no full disclosure, when a mom & dad signs a birth certificate application. I am attaching the link whereby the United Nations has been gearing up to enslave all children worldwide :

by way of the Vatican through "CIVIL AUTHORITY" Which here in America, there is no such thing in Our Laws about "Civil Authority" and if we as mankind do not do anything to STOP this enslavement of our children, we will never see the end to the Vatican's TYRANNY!!! As of right now, We the People allow the BAR Association to rent out the People's Courthouses where the BAR (British Accredited Registry) has attempted to merge Our common law courts and courts of equity into one court as of 1963.
And the State gives standing in Equity to that which has no standing in law!
For those of you who do not know what I am talking about, you must get informed and help fight this tyranny! We the People cannot allow ROME and HER CIVIL LAWS come into Our Courthouses and continue to steal Our children through fraudulent means!!! This is war upon the People of this Nation! & if anyone thinks otherwise, just listen to this interview for yourselves. This is happening in real time folks! Tracy is being used as a patsy to take the fall for and to be used as an example for any woman or mother who dare stand ups tho this well organized cartel who is using our Courthouses to steal children off the streets and schools in America! THIS MUST STOP!!!

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