Funny Great Dane 5 Pack Love Racing & Chasing The Golf Cart

1 year ago

When the Fabulous Five are together, The Moms are always looking for ways to capture a great group shot. Here is a thought..... Why not put Dad in the driver's seat & leaving the Moms free to film the Great Golf Cart Race! Watch & laugh as Radar, Eva & Nora don't want to let their Mom too far out of their sight & head off in hot pursuit of the golf cart. Ellie who isn't too much into exercise, patiently waits in the shade as she knows the golf cart will circle back. Maddie decides to be an ankle biting pest & at the end of the video gets into a short snarly bark argument with Nora. Maddie & Nora are the best of buddies, but every now & then, one pushes the other too far and they both get a little cranky & then immediately make up & start playing again. There is always adult supervision when the kids are playing together. Safety first is a good motto. Looking forward to another attempt at the Fabulous Five in one frame, on their upcoming visit.

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